Friday, June 7, 2013

Welcome The Interruptions

Posted by Ling | Labels: Best Blogger Tips

Kids. They mess up our lives. They make us recalibrate our plans because there is no knowing where their spontaneity leads us.

There was this one morning, I was marveling at how the whole house was so peaceful - it was the weekend and there were no traffic noises that early, birds were chirping, best of all, my babies were still sleeping. I thought to myself, "So my life can be this harmonious when there are no children." Uninterrupted.

Before the kids came, the hubby and I would sleep in till mid morning, then crawl out of bed for brunch. Everything is in a comfortable routine. To the extent that it becomes boring and dry sometimes. So when we parents wished that such mornings will become a norm, we may want to wish again. Wouldn't our lives be so mundane if we get what we wished for?

As much as I enjoyed soaking in the tranquility of a quiet beginning to my day, it was way more fun to hear my babies fill the house with their antics. There is something to look forward to everyday; something new always. My babies will grow up to be teenagers one day and I can have my undisturbed life then; their childhood will pass in a flash if I don't savor the moment. 

For now, I just want to S-A-V-O-R  T-H-E  M-O-M-E-N-T. And yes, I welcome the "interruptions" to my life. 
And I could hear the little one babbling in his cot when I was rounding up this thought, so I'm gonna sneak into the room to peep and make his day with the sighting of mommy, followed by smacking kisses on his barely-awakened face! Yummyz! 

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