Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Live Turtle and Tortoise Museum Singapore

Posted by Ling | Labels: Best Blogger Tips

On Jae's 2nd birthday, the hubby and I took leave to bring Jaeden out to spend time with him. As I was fretting over where to bring a 2 year old that is experiential yet memorable to the child, I came across this post from Klessis which is very helpful (you can read it here). Thanks Klessis for the great recommendation!

It was drizzling on and off  that morning, but it didn't deter us as we had already told Jaeden about the excursion and he was totally looking forward. The Live Turtle and Tortoise Museum Singapore is situated inside the Chinese Garden which is just a stone's throw from the entrance. You will see it after crossing the bridge. Entrance fee to the museum is only $3 per adult since Jaeden is still too young to be charged an entrance fee.
<18 Jul 2013>
Pig-nosed turtle
 Indian roof tortoise
Alligator snapping turtle - look at those claws!
Spotted turtle
Snake headed turtle
Mata mata
They are carnivorous in nature.
 Red footed tortoise

Tortoise/Turtle trivia:

I was stumbling over when to use "turtle" and "tortoise" and decided to look up my 'good friend' Google.
Turtles dwell mostly in water and tortoises dwell mostly on land.

For now, I don't think Jae would be able to tell the difference. Me neither, if I don't observe close enough.

Mommy Ling's verdict

It is actually a compact place good for 1-2 hours of fun if you ask me. There is a turtle feeding area which is a pond where the turtles are free to roam. We didn't get to feed the turtles since it was drizzling, but these turtles were so accustomed to being fed, they literally swarm up from the pond, stacking on one another just to get onto the bridge where we stood. I did feel like Will Smith in I Am Legend, with the infected humans turtles flanking me from both sides of the bridge. Of course, we quickly retreated to a safe spot.

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