We decided it was time to bring Jaeden to the zoo, right after he turned two. These days, he could articulate his feelings quite adequately. I remembered the first time we brought him to the zoo when he was one, he could hardly grasp what was going on around him.
Our toddler started verbalizing his thoughts in pairs of words, then gradually in a string of punctuated words, and progressively to forming sentences when he was about 20 months. Though he started "talking" only recently, I am proud of his attempts and progress. I don't care so much about when my toddler should start speaking or so and so milestones and all that stuff, I only care that my baby is happy while he is learning to explore the world.
So we went to the zoo but I didn't managed to take many photographs as I had to carrier lil Jovan for most part.
<21 July 2013>

We ended our excursion at Kidzworld where Jaeden managed to feed some goats.
I don't recall having that much experiential learning where I was small. Kids are so blessed these days when it comes to learning exposure, but then again, parents are more educated and equipped to use such learning tools in this generation. We are however posed with a greater challenge; to teach morality and integrity in a fast evolving society. We may try to shield our little ones in a protective bubble named 'Childhood', but soon they will break out of this bubble. And that is where the real learning starts, and another post to be written entirely. Till the next post, stay chirpy.
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