To be honest, when I had kid number one, I didn't think that I will be having kid number two so soon. And if you had leave me to my own planning, I might not have the courage to go for a sibling for Jaeden since the older he gets, the easier it becomes to manage our lifestyle - no need to draft mental checklists of milk bottles, warmed breast milk, chilled breast milk everytime we head out.
But the pros of having children with a close age gap have its winning edge in that:
1. Everything is still fresh in your mind; breastfeeding, pumping, night feeds, burping,
weaning, vaccination etc.
weaning, vaccination etc.
2. It is easier to plan itineraries as both kids will have similar capabilities/ limitations with regards to
where you can go and what you can do.
But the biggest motivation for me at the end of a busy work day will be:
3. To see the kiddos interact with each other. They can be so amusing, yet so endearing. I find myself
missing my babies at work more than when I had one. I feel that the toil of getting house chores done
everyday all worthwhile when I see my darling boys. It's not that I am a great mom or what to think this
way. It's just that the equation works out and the returns on the investment are substantial to me. You'd
get what I mean.