Saturday, March 19, 2011

Accumulation of Assets (that depreciate)

Posted by Ling | Labels: Best Blogger Tips
My sis has asked me to blog about the "loots" I have collected, so I guess every SuperMum starts with an accumulation of Cute.Little.Things. (wow, I should adopt this name for a baby blogshop before anyone grabs it. Seriously it's a good name! Pay me my copyright. Ha).

I have not gotten a lot of what I need eventually, but I have gathered the essentials over the last Mothercare sale, Taka Baby Fair and even Baby Kingdom.
I must blog about this, as the purchases add up to almost 1K! My first introduction to motherhood is spending almost 1K even with hand-me-downs.

Let me begin with the cute things first......

BB's first gift from my New Zealand boss. The boss's wife knows best and got me a 0-3 months and 1 year sizing.
Practicality means the most!

I adore the blue shorts!
Mummy (me) had to buy this as it's buttoned-down front - easy for newborns I hear
Bibs are from George's sis

Colourful sockies and basic mittens and booties
The dad insist on the dimple pillows
When it comes to sterilizer, warmer and such, there are so many schools of thoughts. Even milk botttles and the different brands of teats!
BB carseat to which I have a preference for brand new and this brand Britax - pray bb will sit in it obediently! And oh, I would love a Maxi Cosi for under 1 year but can't find the heart to spend on it.

As an afterthought, I realise every parent has a preference when it comes to parenting methods, things that they use for their babies etc. and I've learnt though we want to be enthusiastic in sharing our opinions, there's still a line to draw in how much to say for different parents.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Why SuperMum?

Posted by Ling | Labels: Best Blogger Tips
Every mum has a tale to tell, every mum is a legendary figure in her own right.
I call myself a SuperMum, in preparation of inspiring and enouraging myself,
for a journey of unprecedented joy (and tiredness).
And in this journal, to record the milestones, that may slip past a maximised brain.
To recall those moments, that will be dear in time to come and in time to pass.
To all SuperMums out there, *Salute* and *Clap*